Manuscript Review

Analysis &
Recommendations (A&R)

This thorough review is for those who have an existing manuscript or draft, regardless of what stage it’s in. In the A&R, I approach a manuscript from an insider’s perspective and explain specifically what works and what doesn’t work for reader satisfaction. (And increased reader satisfaction equals increased sales!) I take time to highlight and celebrate a manuscript’s strengths. For anything that is missing, I focus on how to make that area flow, or be dynamic and irresistible. If something just doesn’t work, I provide step-by-step recommendations on how to fix it.

Market Potential

Though structure is the main deal breaker that keeps books from reaching their market potential, other “instant reject” issues exist for nonfiction as well. I’ll isolate such issues:

  • Unpersuasive
  • Misfocused
  • Disjointed
  • Gross embellishment or insufficient reflection in memoirs.

Sales-Oriented Analysis

More than a review by friends, writing instructors, or developmental editors, the A&R is also a sales-oriented analysis. As such, the A&R includes:

  • The manuscript’s concise book description—its industry pitch.
    This is the book’s sales tool in a single line.
  • The manuscript’s top selling points.
  • The three best BISAC Subject Headings to attach to the ISBN metadata.

TIME: 10 to 20 working days
PRICE: $2.5k (absorbed into the cost of ghostwriting if you choose to proceed with ghostwriting service)


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